Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Gary Vaynerchuk, The Clipart business and Passive income.

Lately i've been working on building my business. One Tongue Soup. I had set up shop on Etsy over a year ago and sold art prints of my artwork.  I made 20 sales and that felt amazing and validating. What I did not enjoy so much was the packaging, the shipping, the dealings with the printers etc...So...as my enthusiasm dwindled so did my Etsy shop. What always did bring in some money was and still does is my istockportfolio account. Since 2008 I have made steady stream of sales from my vector illustrations...without adding any more content. Realistically speaking I am not the best vector artist out there. I know that. I can see it. BUT the sales have not stopped trickling in even if I haven't added a new illustration in 8 years. Of course the sales are not even close to being enough to allow me to quit my day job but it did light a spark in me concerning passive income.

Why not get into the clipart business?

Selling cliparts on Etsy for other small craft business owners who do not have the same illustration skills as Ido but are looking to add unique images to their own designs. Or simply sell to the Scrapbooking community. Looking at clipartists on Etsy I've noticed the top sellers are now up to 200 000 sales and more! For an average of 2$ the file ...you do the math.

Passive income.

My istockportfolio is passive income, I want more of that.  In order for me to get into that market I need to get more knowledge about social media marketing. So I made a Facebook Page, I share on Pinterest but not seeing anything come of this yet. I need more knowledge. One of my collegues has a Facebook page on his business reviewing baseball equipement. His views for his post can go up to 15k! How does he do it?

Have you heard of Gary Vaynerchuk? My collegue is the one who turned me on to him. This guy is a social media marketing goldmine.
For example : one of the tips he shared that really stood out for me is how you can't approach every social media plateform in the same way. Facebook is for connecting to others, relationships. Pinterest is more female oriented, Tumbler more for animated gifs.

He has two books out that I would recommend. Listen to his podcast show called  AskGaryV and soak up the knowledge. The guy is really motivating, I'm telling you,

So here is a link to my Esty shop, let me know if you have any ideas on how I can improve my site,
As of now I've got 0 sales.Can't go anywhere but up from here,


But most importantly here is Gary Vaynerchuk's books 1. Crush it
which is geared towards people like me who are just starting out, learning the ins ans outs of social media marketing

The second one is Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook for the more advanced in the field, he really goes into details to explore the marketing goldmine that is social media.

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